Mysql For Mac Os Catalina

The shell path for a user in macOS is a set of paths in the filing system whereby the user has permissions to use certain applications, commands and programs without the need to specify the full path to that command or program in the Terminal.

Nov 03, 2019 MySQL is not pre-installed with Mac OS X. It is something you downloaded when following the original post. As such, the macOS Catalina upgrade should not have changed your MySQL configuration. Navicat for MySQL, DBeaver, and Sequel Pro are probably your best bets out of the 14 options considered. 'Excellent choice of import/export options' is the primary reason people pick Navicat for MySQL over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision.

So instead of running something like this, with a path to the command:

You can just type the command, regardless of where you are in the filing system:

Your shell path is a bunch of absolute paths of the filing system separated by colons :

You can find out whats in your path by launching Terminal in Applications/Utilities and entering:

And the result should be like this…

So this is stating that you can run Unix style applications or commands located in 5 default locations of a certain path in the filing system:

  • /usr/local/bin
  • /usr/bin
  • /bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /sbin

These directories are not visible by default in the filing system but you can make them visible.

Adding a Temporary Location

You can add extra locations to your path, in the mysql example above it’s location /usr/local/mysql/bin which is not in the default path, you can add it in Terminal like so:

So here I have copied my existing path and added the new location on the end, colon separate the paths. Test it by running echo $PATH again in the Terminal.

One of the disadvantages of this is that the new location will only be honored for that particular Terminal session, when a new Terminal window is launched it will have the original default path again.


Adding in a Permanent Location

To make the new pathstick permanently you need to create a .zsh file in your home directory and set the path there. This file control various Terminal environment preferences including the path.


In macOS Catalina the default shell is Zsh (previously it was the Bash Shell).

Move into home directory

Create the .zsh file with a command line editor called nano

Add in the above line which declares the new location /usr/local/mysql/bin as well as the original path declared as $PATH.

Save the file in nano by clicking ‘control’ +’o’ and confirming the name of the file is .zsh by hitting return. And the ‘control’+’x’ to exit nano – also for zsh shell remove any surrounding quotes.

So now when the Terminal is relaunched or a new window made and you check the the path by

You will get the new path at the front followed by the default path locations, all the time

Rearranging the default $PATH

If you needed to rearrange the paths in the default $PATH variable, you can just do that and leave off $PATH.

So lets say you want /use/local/bin at the beginning to take precedence you can add the default path like so inside .zsh

And then you can slot in other paths as required.

In this tutorial we will learn to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on macOS Catalina 10.15.

About macOS Catalina

Apple released macOS Catalina 10.15 on 7th October 2019 and it includes Apache and PHP. So, all we have to do is enable them. Then install MySQL and we are ready for development. So, lets get started.

Note! Support for 32 bit apps is removed in Catalina so, all your 32 bit applications will no longer work. Kindly upgrade your applications.

Apple has also made zsh as the default shell. You can learn more about it here.

To change the default shell check the tutorial How to change default shell to bash on macOS Catalina.

We will be using the pre-installed Apache and PHP and we will download and setup MySQL database.

If you are using macOS Mojave then check out this tutorial How to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on macOS Mojave 10.14

Lets go ahead and configure our LAMP stack development environment on macOS Catalina.


The new macOS Catalina comes with Apache pre-installed. All we have to do is switch it on.

Open Terminal using macOS Spotlight or go to /Applications/Utilities and open Terminal.

To check the version of Apache installed run the following command in the Terminal.

Note! macOS Catalina comes with Apache 2.4.41

To start Apache web server run the following command.

This command will start Apache server.

When you use sudo in the terminal then you will be prompted to enter your admin password to proceed.

If you want to stop the Apache server then run the following command.

And to restart Apache server run the following command.

After starting Apache server go ahead and test it by opening a browser like Safari or Chrome and visit http://localhost.

You will get to see the following output in your browser.

By default, the file is getting served from /Library/WebServer/Documents directory. We will change this is the following sections.

In case you don't get to see the above output then run the following command to check the error.

Document Root

This is the location in the computer file system from where the files are accessed when we visit the http://localhost in a browser.

Document Root is a directory where we put our website files.

On Mac we have two document root. One is at the system level and the other is at the user level.

System level document root

The system level document root in macOS Catalina is located in the following directory.

User level document root

For the user level we can create a directory called Sites Ms excel for mac mojave updates. in user directory. So, open Terminal and get ready to create the user level document root directory.

Creating Sites directory

Run the following command in the Terminal to switch to the user home directory.

Now, run the following command to create the Sites directory.

You can merge the above two commands into one by running the following command.

For me the user document root path is the following.

You will get a similar path for your Mac.

Creating username.conf file

Now, we will create a username.conf file to configure our document root.

Note! Replace the username with your username.

For example, my username is yusufshakeel so, my file is yusufshakeel.conf.

Type the whoami command in the terminal and it will tell you your username.

Open terminal and go to the following directory.

Now create the configuration file username.conf inside the users directory.

In the following example I am using vi editor. You can use other editors like vim or nano.

Press the i key to enter into INSERT mode and then type the following in the file.

Don't forget to replace YOUR_USER_NAME with your username.

Here is what I have written in my yusufshakeel.conf file.

Now, come out of the INSERT mode by pressing the Esc key. Now save the file and exit by typing the following :wq and then hit Enter.

The permission of this file should be the following.

You can change the permission by typing the following command.

Where, username is your username that you have set.

Configuring the httpd.conf file

Now we switch to apache2 directory by typing the following command in the Terminal.

Inside this directory we have the httpd.conf file.

As a good practice we will make a backup copy of the httpd.conf file by typing the following command.

Now open the httpd.conf file using vi and uncomment the following lines.

To uncomment the lines remove the # from the start of the line.

Uncomment the following line for User home directories.

Now change the DocumentRoot.

Find the following lines and comment them by adding # at the beginning of the line.

And add the following two lines below the commented lines.

Don't forget to replace YOUR_USERNAME with your username.

And set the AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All.

Your DocumentRoot should now look something like the following.

Now, come out of the INSERT mode by pressing the Esc key. And save and exit the file by typing :wq key and then Enter.

Configuring the httpd-userdir.conf file

Now, time to make some changes in the httpd-userdir.conf file.

In the terminal type the following command to go to the extra directory.

As a good practice create a backup copy of the httpd-userdir.conf file.

Now open the file using vi.

Enter into INSERT mode and uncomment the following line.

Now, come out of the INSERT mode and save the changes.

Now, check if everything is configured properly by typing the given command.

Now restart Apache using the following command.


macOS Catalina comes with PHP 7.3.8 pre-installed.

Click Connect. The Realms screen will appear. The Sign in screen will appear. Pulse secure installer for macos download for mac. Next to your new VPN connection, click Connect. In the Realms screen, select UMASS.

To check the version of PHP in the Terminal type the following command.

Now we go to the apache2 directory.

Requirements For Mac Os Catalina

Next, we open the httpd.conf file.

Now, enter into INSERT mode and uncomment the following line to run PHP 7 by removing the # sign from the start of the line.

Now, save the changes and exit the file by typing :wq keys and hit Enter.

You can now restart Apache by running the following command.

Printing phpinfo

Apple os catalina

Create index.php file inside the Sites directory.

Now open the file in your favourite text editor or PHP IDE and write the following code.

Now, visit http://localhost and you will get to see a similar output.

Download MySQL community server

Head over to website and download the latest version of the MySQL Community Server.

Download and run the installer and follow the steps to install MySQL database on your Mac.

Set the root password when prompted and note it down.

To run MySQL server open System Preferences and go to MySQL.

Click on the Start MySQL Server button to start the server.

You will be asked to enter your admin password. Enter the password and the MySQL server will start running.

Games For Mac Os Catalina


To access your MySQL database tables you can either use phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench or Sequel Pro.

Alright, this brings us to the end of this tutorial. Hope this helped. Please share if you find this website useful. Have fun developing. See you in the next tutorial.