Format Drive For Macos Using Ubuntu

Jul 13, 2016 If you wish to use the MBR format, type this instead: sudo parted /dev/sda mklabel msdos Create the New Partition. Once the format is selected, you can create a partition spanning the entire drive by typing: sudo parted -a opt /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 0% 100% If we check lsblk, we should see the new partition available: lsblk.

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External hard drives, flash drives and other similar forms of removable storage have made life pretty easy when it comes to moving data around. However, we live in a world where each person is likely to own multiple devices that external storage could (theoretically) be connected to.

There are also various use cases for external storage and, importantly, plenty of formats to choose from. So when you have to pick a format for your shiny new external storage device, what is the best format for external hard drives?

Just What Is a Disk “Format”?

What does it mean to “format” a disk? What is a disk format anyway? It’s actually pretty easy to understand. Your SSD, hard disk, flash drive, SD card or whatever storage medium you’re working with has a set amount of raw physical space.

For example, an SSD consists of microchips that contain microscopic memory cells. Each cell can hold a specific number of “bits”. That is, the ones and zeroes that make up binary code. Think of it as a gigantic room filled with empty book shelves.

A format is the organizing principle we use to fill that space with data. In a library, something like the Dewey Decimal System is used to determine in which order books go on the shelves. This makes it very easy to find a specific book. In the same way, a disk format tells the computer how to store information on the disk.

Some disk formats are more efficient than others, while certain formats are simply not compatible with particular operating systems.

Can macOS Read Windows Formats?

Out of the box, macOS can understand exactly two formats from the world of Microsoft Windows. The first is FAT and the other is exFAT, which we’ll discuss a little later.

The main Windows disk format, NTFS, isn’t supported by macOS. At least, not entirely. NTFS disks can be read by macOS, but not written to. That’s useful if you need to get some data from a friend’s Windows disk, but if you use both Windows and macOS, you’ll need a different option. The most likely choice is exFAT, which we’ll go into more detail below.

You also have the option of using third-party addon applications, but of course this is hardly the most elegant solution. This is a particularly important point if you use BootCamp on your Mac, since you don’t want to lose access to external storage just because you booted into a different operating system.

Can Windows Read macOS Formats?

Windows PCs can not read macOS formats. The file systems used by macOS aren’t ones that Windows can understand by itself. It needs a little help in the form of a third-party application to read and write to these disks.

The only free application that will let you do this we are aware of is hfsexplorer, which uses Java and is really only suitable for the odd file transfer.

FAT32 – The Most Compatible Option

The FAT or File Allocation Table is quite possibly the most widely-supported disk format in existence today. It’s a direct continuation of the original DOS format used on floppy diskettes and hard drives. FAT32 exists mainly to extend the absolute file size that older versions of FAT can handle. The largest single file size that FAT32 can handle is 4GB.

That’s probably OK for most files, especially if you’re using a thumb drive rather than an external hard drive. However, it’s pretty normal these days to have video files or other high-fidelity assets that are larger than 4GB, which makes this unsuitable for large drives that are likely to host bigger files.

If you absolutely know that you won’t have any files larger than 4GB and want to use the drive with devices such as older TVs that don’t support exFAT, then FAT32 is a good choice.

Using Apple and Windows? You Want exFAT!

exFAT solves the file size limitation of FAT32 and manages to remain a fast and lightweight format that doesn’t bog down even basic devices with USB mass storage support.

While exFAT is not quite as widely supported as FAT32, it’s still compatible with many TVs, cameras and other similar devices. Most importantly, exFAT works with both Windows and macOS.

The only real downside of exFAT for external hard drives is its lack of “journaling” ability. This means it doesn’t have the ability to keep a record of file changes. One of the consequences of this is that exFAT drives are a little more vulnerable to data corruption from sudden power losses.

Be sure to either make your drive safe to remove or to avoid unplugging it while its reading or writing to the disk.

NTFS – For Windows Users Only

NTFS or the New Technology File System is the current Windows default. It’s the most secure, robust file system that a Windows user could wish for. This means it’s the format of choice for system drives on Windows computers.

NTFS has quite a lot of strong advantages, which may actually make it a good format choice for certain external hard drives, depending on the circumstances.

  • NTFS is resistant against disk corruption caused by a power failure.
  • It has extensive security features, such as per-folder permissions.
  • Making is simple for multiple users to share the same drive without having access to each other’s data.
  • It’s also notable for its journaling feature, which keeps a record of file changes. This is part of the reason why it’s more resistant to file corruption.

If you want to use your external drive with Windows machines only, NTFS is a fine choice and probably the best option overall. However, if you need to use the drive beyond the confines of the modern Windows ecosystem, it’s better to go with exFAT instead.

If you already have a drive that’s formatted in FAT, you can still convert it without losing data.

Best Formats For Linux External Hard Drives

Linux distributions such as Ubuntu Linux are becoming more popular by the day, but are still relatively niche overall. Linux has its own proprietary EXT formats and if you are only going to use your external drive with a Linux machine, you can safely go ahead and pick that format.

However, Linux supports NTFS, which makes for a decent go-between if you have both Windows and Linux machines. Mac can also read NTFS. The most compatible option is FAT32, but as we mentioned above it has a hard 4GB limit on file sizes.

Unfortunately, Linux does not yet have support for exFAT, but that is reportedly set to change with the release of Kernel 5.4.

What About SD Cards & USB Thumb Drives?

The choice for the best format for external hard drives involves different considerations compared to other forms of external storage. SD cards and USB thumb drives are still an important part of our digital lives, so which formats should you pick?

With the fairly cheap yet large flash drives we have today, there’s some overlap in the use cases for thumb drives and external hard drives. Which means you may want to use large files, such as HD video files, on your thumb drive. That makes exFAT a good choice. Especially if you also want to use your thumb drive with iPads, iPhones and Macs.

FAT32 is a fallback if you want to use your thumb drive with older devices that don’t support exFAT. Of course, if you’re also going to use your thumb drive on your current Linux machine, exFAT won’t work at the time of writing. However, that’s set to change in the future.

With SD cards, your choice should be entirely driven by which formats the devices you use support. exFAT is still a good choice if your DSLR (for example) supports it, but follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. In fact, most devices have an internal SD card formatting routine, so we recommend you simply let the intended device format the card.

Ending The Format Wars

Picking a format for your external drive can be pretty confusing. Picking the wrong one can turn into a real pain when you have to backup and reformat an entire drive because it won’t work for its intended purpose.

Hopefully you now know which options above to pick from the list of best formats for external hard drives, which can save your bacon when making the wrong choice can lead to a situation where an external disk just won’t plug-and-play.


  • Open the Disks program.
  • Select the drive you want to format.
  • Click the Gear button and select “Format Partition.”
  • Select the file system you want to use.
  • Give the volume a name.
  • Select whether or not you want a secure erase.
  • Click the “Format” button to start the format process.
  • Mount the formatted drive.

Linux Hard Disk Format Command

  • Step #1 : Partition the new disk using fdisk command. Following command will list all detected hard disks:
  • Step#2 : Format the new disk using mkfs.ext3 command.
  • Step#3 : Mount the new disk using mount command.
  • Step#4 : Update /etc/fstab file.
  • Task: Label the partition.

Method 2 Using GParted

  • Open the Terminal.
  • Install GParted.
  • Start GParted from the Dash.
  • Select the drive you want to format.
  • Unmount the partition you want to change or remove.
  • Delete the existing partition.
  • Create a new partition.
  • Select the size of the partition.
Format Drive For Macos Using Ubuntu

To use the drive with Ubuntu, you should create a primary partition and format it to ext3, the recommended file system for Ubuntu. Although using the Live CD is the easiest way to partition the hard drive, you can also accomplish the task from the command line and no third-party tools are required.Using fdisk :

  • Run fdisk /dev/sda (giving it the device name for the entire HD).
  • Use p to see the partition table’s contents.
  • You can use q to exit fdisk, if it already shows just a single partition.
  • Use the o command to create a new, empty partition table.
  • Use n to create a new partition.

How do I format a Linux hard drive?

Choose an option for “File system.” If you will be using the hard drive exclusively on Linux systems, choose ext2, ext3 or ext4 , since these file systems are only readable by Linux. If you are not sure which to choose, choose ext4. If you want to use the hard drive on Mac OS X or Windows systems as well, choose FAT32.

How do I completely wipe my hard drive Ubuntu?

Step 3: Wipe Hard Drive using Wipe Command

  1. Enter the below command in Terminal: sudo fdisk –l.
  2. Once you know what is the drive you want to wipe, type the below command in terminal along with the drive label. It will ask for confirmation, type as Yes to proceed. sudo wipe <device label>

How do I install a new hard drive in Linux?

  • Format the new disk using mkfs.ext3 command: To format Linux partions using ext2fs on the new disk, issue the following command:
  • Mount the new disk using the mount command: First, you’ll need to create a mount point.
  • Edit /etc/fstab so the new drive will automatically mount to /disk1 on reboot.

How do I partition a hard drive in Ubuntu?

Start fdisk, the default utility used to partition disks, by running the “sudo fdisk /dev/sdb” command in the Terminal. Type “n” and press “Enter” to create a new partition. Type “p” and press “Enter” to make the partition a primary partition. Type “1” when prompted for the partition number and press “Enter.”

Does Ubuntu install format hard drive?

But if it is a new hard disk then no, not needed as Ubuntu support most of the file system formats. If you want to dual boot then create a new partition and install Ubuntu into it.But be very careful as UEFI may cause some errors in your system during grub installation.

How do I wipe my hard drive Linux?

The process will make several passes over the drive, writing random zeros on top of your data. To wipe a hard drive with the shred tool, enter the following (where X is your drive letter): sudo shred -vfz /dev/sdX.

How do I restore Ubuntu to factory settings?

Steps are the same for all versions of Ubuntu OS.

  1. Back up all your personal files.
  2. Restart the computer by pressing the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys at the same time, or using the Shut Down/Reboot menu if Ubuntu still starts correctly.
  3. To open the GRUB Recovery Mode, press F11, F12, Esc or Shift during startup.

How do I erase everything on Ubuntu?

Method 1 Uninstalling Programs with Terminal

  • Open. Terminal.
  • Open a list of your currently installed programs. Type dpkg –list into Terminal, then press ↵ Enter .
  • Find the program that you want to uninstall.
  • Enter the “apt-get” command.
  • Enter your root password.
  • Confirm the deletion.

How do I wipe a Linux partition?

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Head to the Start menu (or Start screen) and search for “Disk Management.”
  2. Find your Linux partition.
  3. Right-click on the partition and choose “Delete Volume.”
  4. Right-click on your Windows partition and choose “Extend Volume.”

How do I format Ubuntu?

Format USB in Ubuntu 14.04

  • Install GParted. It is a free and open source partition editor for Linux. You can install it in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T): sudo apt-get install gparted.
  • Insert the SD Card or USB key. Now launch GParted.
  • Now you will see a screen like the one below. This shows the partition of removable disk.

Can Ubuntu read NTFS?

Ubuntu is capable of reading and writing files stored on Windows formatted partitions. These partitions are normally formatted with NTFS, but are sometimes formatted with FAT32. You will also see FAT16 on other devices. Ubuntu will show files and folders in NTFS/FAT32 filesystems which are hidden in Windows.

How do I mount a drive in Linux terminal?

You need to use the mount command. # Open a command-line terminal (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal), and then type the following command to mount /dev/sdb1 at /media/newhd/. You need to create a mount point using the mkdir command. This will be the location from which you will access the /dev/sdb1 drive.

How do I allocate more disk space to Ubuntu?

2 Answers

  1. Start a Terminal session by typing Ctrl + Alt + T.
  2. Type gksudo gparted and hit Enter.
  3. Type your password in the window that pops up.
  4. Find the partition Ubuntu is installed in.
  5. Right-click the partition and select Resize/Move.
  6. Expand the Ubuntu partition into the unallocated space.
  7. Profit!

How do I increase partition size in Ubuntu?

Select the Ubuntu partition that you want to change size, and click Move/Resize Partition option from left action panel.

  • In the resizing interface, drag the partition handle rightwards or leftwards to extend or shrink partition.
  • Next, click Apply to perform the pending operation.

How do I merge partitions in Ubuntu?

  1. First you’ll have to make sure that both the partitions – unallocated space and the other partition to merge are either both logical partitions or both primary partitions.
  2. Second, right-click on the partition in question and click resize.
  3. Click resize/move and then click Apply all operations.

Will installing Ubuntu erase my hard drive?

Ubuntu will automatically partition your drive. “Something Else” means you don’t want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows, and you don’t want to erase that disk either. It means you have full control over your hard drive(s) here. You can delete your Windows install, resize partitions, erase everything on all disks.

How long does Ubuntu take to install?

10-20 minutes

How do I install something else on Ubuntu?

Install Ubuntu in dual boot with Windows 8:

  • Step 1: Create a live USB or disk. Download and create a live USB or DVD.
  • Step 2: Boot in to live USB.
  • Step 3: Start the installation.
  • Step 4: Prepare the partition.
  • Step 5: Create root, swap and home.
  • Step 6: Follow the trivial instructions.

How do I wipe my operating system?

Steps to delete Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP from system drive

  1. Insert the Windows installation CD into your disk drive and restart your computer;
  2. Hit any key on your keyboard when asked if you want to boot to the CD;
  3. Press “Enter” at the welcome screen and then hit the “F8” key to accept the Windows license agreement.

How do I deep erase a hard drive?

Hover over the System Tools option and select Erase Disk in the menu that appears. A window of various erasure options will pop up; the external commands work well with traditional hard drives, but you should select Internal: Secure Erase command writes zeroes to entire data area to wipe your SSD.

Format Drive For Mac And Linux

How do you delete everything on Linux?

1. rm -rf Command Orb_slam2 for macos.

  • rm command in Linux is used to delete files.
  • rm -r command deletes the folder recursively, even the empty folder.
  • rm -f command removes ‘Read only File’ without asking.
  • rm -rf / : Force deletion of everything in root directory.

Format Drive For Macos Using Ubuntu 8

How do I remove operating system from dual boot?

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Type msconfig in the search box or open Run.
  3. Go to Boot.
  4. Select which Windows version you’d like to boot into directly.
  5. Press Set as Default.
  6. You can delete the earlier version by selecting it and then clicking Delete.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK.

How do I wipe and reinstall Ubuntu?

  • Plug in USB Drive and boot off of it by pressing (F2).
  • Upon booting you will be able to try Ubuntu Linux before Installing.
  • Click on the Install Updates when installing.
  • Choose Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu.
  • Choose your Timezone.
  • Next screen will ask you to choose your keyboard layout.

How do I uninstall Ubuntu from Windows?

Deleting Ubuntu Partitions

  1. Go to Start, right click Computer, then select Manage. Then select Disk Management from the sidebar.
  2. Right-click your Ubuntu partitions and select “Delete”. Check before you delete!
  3. Then, right-click the partition that is on the Left of the free space. Select “Extend Volume”.
  4. Done!

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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