Macos Title Bars For Windows 10 Deviantart

Updated: January 26, 2015

Jul 15, 2019 macOS Catalina Theme also brings the long-awaited dark mode to the PC, giving users an inverted color scheme. Black and dark grey windows replace white ones which should be good for photographers and creatives since it allows images and files to stand out more. Support last version of Windows 10 how to use. Now, we will make Windows, specifically the latest Windows 10 Technical Preview, look somewhat like Mac OS X Yosemite, so that you can feel posh and special and stylish. Not that the stocks looks are bad, mind, but we wanna have some fun, and this tutorial will show you how to do that. WindowBlinds changes the look and feel of your Windows desktop by applying visual styles to your entire Windows environment. When a visual style is applied, they change nearly every elements of the Windows GUI such as title bars, push buttons, the Start bar, menu and more.

Here's another visual transformation guide. We saw quite a few of those on Dedoimedo, including how to make Windows XP look like Windows 7, then how to make the latter look like Windows 8, and we also dabbled in Android, changing its appearance to be like Windows Phone and Ubuntu Phone. Yup.

Now, we will make Windows, specifically the latest Windows 10 Technical Preview, look somewhat like Mac OS X Yosemite, so that you can feel posh and special and stylish. Not that the stocks looks are bad, mind, but we wanna have some fun, and this tutorial will show you how to do that. After me.

Where to start

If you look around the web, you will find dozens of guides offering partial solutions to your emotional thirst. Some are quite complicated, and others only work up to Windows 8. Well, here, we will accomplish everything with just two downloads and some optional tweaking with wallpapers and icons. But that's it, basically. So we end up having this:

You will have to download the Mac OS X Yosemite Skin Pack from, and also Skin Pack Auto UXThemePatcher. Make sure you choose the correct version, Style or Theme, because the latter does not support Windows 10 Technical Preview.

And that's it. Begin by installing the patcher first. No need to reboot. Then, install the skin pack, choose the optional components available with the installer, and then start tweaking to your liking.

After a few moments, you will get:

Additional tweaks & customization

We've just started. Now, you will need to invest some of your time and imagination in making everything presentable. All right, MetroSidebar looks like an interesting concept, but it is really unnecessary, so we will chuck it away. You might as well install a Mac-like wallpaper for extra authenticity.

At the bottom of the screen, you have RocketDock, a very cool dock for Windows. You can drag & drop icons onto it, as well as rearrange them. Right-click to delete items or add special widgets and separators. You can also change the size of icons from the default 50px to anything you like.


The taskbar will be relocated to the top of the screen and made small, white and fancy, with the theme lookalike borrowed from Mac and some versions of Linux. You might want to consider setting the taskbar to auto-hide. Furthermore, you might also want to hide the Recycle Bin from the desktop for a clean, tidy effect.

Instead of using your browser to find files, you’ll do everything through the app. You can schedule a downloadYou found the torrent and you want the download to start after you finish your work? Folx has a great search features that scans through different torrent trackers. Utorrent web for mac os catalina.

The other side of the transformation: window decorations. The whole point of having a Mac theme is to have a bunch of traffic light colored buttons and that rounded, posh feel. Indeed, if you have applied the theme patcher, you'll get that.

However, windows titles maybe be surrounded in a rectangle of a different color from the window border color, so you will have to right-click on the desktop > Personalize, and change the color balance until you get the desired transparency effect. And you will be enjoying yourself, for sure:


There are several optional things you may want to consider. For me, it was the choice of monochrome icons (black & white), to make the dock look even more presentable and classy. This has nothing specifically to do with Mac OS X, but it may give you new ideas and inspiration for how to alter and polish your Windows theme even further. Please take a look, or just ignore completely. Your choice.

I chose the ecqllipse 2 icon set from deviantArt, and then individually replaced the icons in the RocketDock. Goes well with the Mac theme, and the reduced number of different colors makes it all feel expensive.


Some more pictures, just to waste everyone's bandwidth:

Wrought Iron Bars For Windows


This is a very neat tutorial. Personally, I like the Windows 8/10 flat theme, but this transformation is also quite cool, and it might infuse your system with new, unexpected freshness. The process is fairly simple, with safe restore points, no need for any reboots, and everything is fully reversible. Should you not want any extras, just make sure the Skin Pack added programs do not startup with Windows, place the taskbar at the bottom, reset the theme, and you're done. You're back to defaults.

Anyhow, I hope you will find this entertaining and pleasing, even though it may not be the most useful guide in the world. But if you have other ideas and suggestions, I am more than willing to listen, as well as sacrifice my machines for testing. There you go. Enjoy.

P.S. If you find this article useful, please support Dedoimedo.

Macos Title Bars For Windows 10 Deviantart 2


ViFind is the ultimate El Capitan Menu Bar solution for Windows and it’s not just eye candy either! it’s a fully functional El Capitan menu bar implementation for your Windows desktop. Created by the dream team that brought you the original ViStart start menu! Windows X and Lee-Soft are back. Get the Apple style start button and access your start menu like Apple users do and get the El Capitan OSX menu bar and status menus.

El Capitan Style Start Button
The El Capitan style start button provides Mac like access to the Windows start menu.

Real menu bar from actual software
When a Windows app has a menu bar it will be displayed conveniently at the top of the desktop like in OSX- El Capitan

Genuine OS X El Capitan FinderBar user experience
Integrating features from Windows and El Capitan forming the perfect hybrid with a genuine finderbar user experience.

An Original El Capitan Layout Containing
– Taskbar items with pinning item and notification support
– Tray icon support including system icons
– Date/Time display

This is only the first build and it’s highly experimental. So there could be more features to come in the future!